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Who can Participate?

Scores will be eligible for inclusion in each Club Competition submission by Contest Club Ontario according to the rules laid down by the contest sponsors. See the updated ARRL circle (2023) on the index page of the site to see the current inclusion circle.

For ARRL events, all stations must be within a circle of radius 402 km (250 miles). A list of club members' stations within the circle is submitted to the ARRL by the club secretary before each event. Station positions are reported using 6-digit grid square locators, and distances are measured between the centres of grid squares. The circle can be different for each contest. Multi-operator scores from stations within the circle are counted provided at least 50% of the operators are club members. Rover scores are included pro-rated to the fraction of contacts made from within the circle.

In the map, the red circle (centred on EN93rx) will be used for VHF contests, and the green (FN04on), blue (FN04te) and purple (FN04vw) circles will be used in HF contests (e.g. green for Sweepstakes and RTTY Roundup, purple for ARRL DX CW, blue for other HF contests). Some state QSO parties use the ARRL circle rules but without submitted lists of eligible members; the green circle is used for these contests.

For CQ contests, the club score can include scores from all member stations anywhere in Canada, plus stations operated by members within 402 km of the club centre (assumed for this purpose to be FN04cx), plus contest DXpeditions organized by club members. Multi-multi scores may be apportioned to more than one club, pro-rated according to the proportion of operators belonging to each club.

For the WAEDC contests, the club's area is Ontario.

A map of southern Ontario with proposed club circles is shown.

Updated: 2023.11.03

® 2002 - 2018 by CCO