the latest list as to who's planning to be on from where during this
year's Ontario QSO Party. It's been developed from past years' participation
or submissions from the online page. Help us keep this list up-to-date:
Don't just "search and pounce" on stations calling "CQ",
find a good parking spot and call "CQ Ontario QSO Party"
yourself. You'll be very surprised at the amount of activity you
can generate on a seemingly "dead" band by putting out a "CQ" !
Don't forget the "easy" multipliers i.e. folks who are close
to you that you can work on the VHF bands or via groundwave
on the "higher" HF bands. Don't forget to make a quick
call on the VHF frequencies at 15 minutes past the hour.
For Ontario stations, mults are also Canadian
provinces/territories, U.S. states, and DXCC
there are lots of multiplier points out there for you to
collect. Also folks outside Ontario will be working the contest
too. If the lower HF bands are "dead" try the higher HF bands
and vice-versa.
U.S.A. stations close to the border should give a few shouts
on VHF. Also try six meters for "E-skip" openings into
Ontario stations should "listen up" in U.S. phone
allocations for U.S. stations calling from time to time.
Don't forget to work CW. Even if your CW isn't very
good most folks will "slow down" or "QRS" to work you.
Listen extra hard for weak signals such as mobile and QRP
Use a computer to do your log. All of the logging programs
that support the Ontario QSO Party (except Write-log and N1MM+)
run in good old-fashioned MS-DOS so that junky old 386, 486 and
in some cases even a 286 can be used. This will make calculating
your score and checking for duplicate contacts a whole lot
easier. It'll also make the contest manager's life a whole lot
easier too!!
Other contests will be in progress at the same time as the
Ontario QSO Party. Check out WA7BMN's excellent contest calendar
to find out who else is going to be on the air !! For example -
if you work a MI station during their contest, consider giving both
exchanges - "W8xxx 59 Muskoka and number x Ontario. "
For exchanges with Quebec stations "VE2xxx 59 Ontario Muskoka" and obtain
their administrative region exchange.