OQP Log Pre-Submission
Check the setup page for hints on setting up your logging program.
If you submit a text file, ensure you capture the band, date and time, mode, who you worked and the sent and received QTH, one line per contact.
The exchange for OQP requires the sent and received QTH, not a serial number.
See sample Cabrillo and sample text pages for formatting your data.
If you need a converter from adif or text to cabrillo, here are some you can try:
LogConv by KA5WSS
Text file converters by SP7DQR
adif to cabrillo by KD9MJB
Log submission is now closed for 2024.
If you have a question about your log or are replying to a message about
your log, please send an email to oqp @ va3cco.com
Thanks to the 329 stations who submitted logs in 2024.
The 2025 running of the OQP will be April 19 - Apr 20th, the log submission page will be open from April 20th to May 19th 2025.
(or when we get back from Dayton/Xenia)