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2025 Ontario QSO Party Rules (revised 27 Jan 2025)

New for 2024: Self-Spotting is permitted.
Distributed Multi-Operator Class (treated as Multi-Multi)

The Ontario QSO Party is open to all amateur radio operators regardless of license class world-wide.

Dates and Times: Held on the third full weekend of April each Year. For 2025, the contest periods are 1800Z April 19 to 0500Z April 20,
and 1200Z to 1800Z April 20.

Objectives: For Ontario stations to contact as many amateur radio stations as possible on as many bands as possible world-wide. For stations outside Ontario to make as many contacts with Ontario amateur radio stations as possible.

Frequencies: All Bands 160-2 meters with the exception of the WARC bands.

Suggested Frequencies for Mobiles/QRP:
HF SSB: 1.870, 3.735, 7.070, 7.260, 14.130, 14.265, 21.260, 28.360
HF CW: 1.830, 3.530, 7.030, 14.030, 21.030, 28.030
VHF/UHF SSB: 50.130, 144.205
VHF/UHF FM: 52.540, 146.550

Suggested Manner of Operation: Work HF SSB on the hour, work HF CW on the half hour.

Use of FM: Operators can not use repeaters for either contest contacts or for soliciting contacts. Please keep the FM Simplex calling frequency of 146.520 MHz clear.



  • Multi-operator multi-transmitter

  • Multi-operator two-transmitter

  • Multi-operator single-transmitter

  • Single Operator QRP Mixed mode (5 watts and under)

  • Single Operator Mixed Mode - Low Power (100 Watts and under)

  • Single Operator Mixed Mode - High Power (over 100 Watts)

  • Single Operator Phone only - Low Power (100 watts and under)

  • Single Operator Phone only - High Power (over 100 Watts)

  • Single Operator CW only - Low Power (100 Watts and under)

  • Single Operator CW only - High Power (over 100 Watts)

MM means any number of simultaneous transmissions allowed, M2 means only two simultaneous transmissions allowed and MS means only one transmission allowed at any time.


  • Multi-operator

  • Single-operator

A mobile station is a station that moves between multiplier areas operating from a vehicle (either stopped or in motion) only using antennas that have the capability of being used while in motion. All antennas must be on the vehicle and contacts may be made either while moving or stationary.*

A rover station is a station that moves between multiplier areas. Antennas may be mounted off the vehicle when stopped but contacts can be made with vehicular antennas when in motion. All antennas must be transported by the vehicle.*

If a mobile or a rover station is on a county line or junction between 2 or more counties, a separate QSO and complete exchange must be made and logged for each county worked.

* Please note that for all intents and purposes rover/mobile are treated the same in the OQP. They are NOT separate categories.

Mobile and rover stations are encouraged to sign "/" and present multiplier location as part of the CQ e.g. VE3xxx/TOR This way other operators can anticipate their moves to a new multiplier area.

Remote operation is permitted in all fixed categories. When operating remote, send the county/QTH where the transmitter is located.

Distributed Multi-Operator: Two or more stations can operate using a single callsign from two or more locations, acting as a single station. This is supported by N1MM as a distributed multi-operator station. Other logging programs may also support this. In this category, all station(s) must be located within one county, and all stations will send the same county for their exchange. For all practical purposes, a distributed multi-operator station will appear (on the air) to be operating from a single location.

Exchange: Ontario stations send signal report and their county abbreviation as per the Ontario county multiplier list. Ontario stations must log received signal report and county, province, state, or DXCC country abbreviation (the abbreviation “DX” is also acceptable.

Non-Ontario stations send signal report and province, state, or DXCC country or abbreviation. Non-Ontario stations must log received signal report and county abbreviation as per the Ontario County list.

Scoring: Ontario stations work everyone. Non-Ontario stations work Ontario stations only. Mobile/Rover stations may be worked again when they change multiplier areas.

Score 1 QSO point for each station worked on phone per band. Score 2 QSO points for each station worked on CW per band. You may work a station TWICE per band: once on phone and once on CW.

Score 10 QSO points for each contact made with CCO club stations VA3CCO & VE3CCO, ODXA club station VE3ODX, and RAC Ontario station VA3RAC.

Stations claim 1 multiplier point for each Ontario county worked on each band. see Ontario county multiplier list.

Ontario stations also claim 1 multiplier point for each Canadian province/territory, U.S. state (plus District of Columbia) and DXCC country worked on each band.

Rover/Mobile stations claim the sum of multipliers worked from each different Ontario multiplier location.

SWL's claim only Ontario multipliers heard.

Total Score = Total QSO points x total multiplier points.

Mobile/Rover Bonus: Mobile/Rover stations add 300 bonus points for each Ontario multiplier activated. To earn the mobile/rover bonus a station must make at least three contacts with three different stations from the multiplier area.

Mobile/Rover Score = (total QSO points x total multiplier points) + bonus.

Use of DX spotting networks: The use of DX spotting networks is permitted. Self spotting is permitted.


See the Awards page for details.

Log Submission: Entries should be submitted via the online web page no later than one month after the OQP, for 2025 that will be May 20, 2025.
(or after Dayton Hamvention weekend). Late submissions will be treated as Check Logs.

On-Line Log submittal page (preferred) : Go to log submit

Text to Cabrillo converter (if needed):

Results: Results will be posted on the CCO website. Final results will be published on the web site and may also be published in "The Canadian Amateur" depending on available space.


® 2006 - 2025 by CCO