The sCCOre Award:
The club is called Contest Club Ontario and one of the reasons for its existence is to compete against other clubs world wide. There are differing requirements for many contests as to where a member resides to count for club totals. The main circles are shown on the website for the major contests. The remainder are often less specific for this and all members are urged to state CCO as their club when submitting logs to the contest organizers. For the 2022 year, we will remind members who do not state that CCO is their club affiliation. It is easiest to put in your contest software settings that CCO is the club.
Any member of CCO, shown on the active roster, with an Ontario callsign is eligible for this award.
Only one plaque per member will be issued. If a member has multiple callsigns, then the callsign of choice must be confirmed with the secretary of CCO when the member reaches the 5M point level and the original plaque is issued.
Eligible contests will be those listed for that season in the CCO Contest Calendar.
All entries submitted by a member to the individual contest sponsors will be counted for the sCCOre Award.
Unlike the contest competitions, this is independent of whether the entries come from outside the various circles or other criteria that sponsors indicate for their club competitions.
Complete contest entries must be submitted to the contest sponsor within the sponsor's deadline for that contest.
The Yearly Tally:
All eligible contest scores from January 1 to December 31 will count towards the award for that year.
Initial awards and endorsements will be processed once a year based on Award Points as tabulated by the following August.
All Award points are cumulative from year to year.
The first year of sCCOre operation was the calendar year 2003.
The final scores, as determined by the contest sponsor, will be the basis for the sCCOre Award points. Note that only the largest score for an individual contest from a CCO member will be used for the sCCOre calculation when he/she makes more than one entry. CCO publishes final score summaries (CCO members) throughout the year as the contest sponsors release their results, with a 30 day window to correct any errors or omissions after the CCO summary is posted.
Normalizing will be used on all scores to calculate points for the sCCOre Award taking the highest CCO single operator score or share of a Multi-operator score for a contest, assigning it a value of 1 million points and calculating all other scores as shown below.
Each eligible contest will be scored separately using the high score attributed to an individual in that contest, with the exception of the NCJ Sprint and NAQP contests (see below).
Each operator of an eligible Multi-operator entry may claim a share of a score for his/her Award total using the formula:
Normalized Multi Score / number of operators = Your Share of the Overall Score
You claim points in the following ways:
If your score is above the average score for that contest:
(Your Score / Reference Score) x 1,000,000 = Your sCCOre Points
If your score is below the average score for that contest, the following procedure takes place. The first score lower than average takes on the average score and all other scores below this average are scored relative to it
(Your Score/ Average Score) x (Award points calculated for the Average Score) = Your sCCOre Points
Those individuals achieving the required 5 million sCCOre points will be recognized with the award of a sCCOre Award plaque.
The sCCOre Award plaque can then be endorsed for additional levels of achievement on a yearly basis, 10M, 20M, 35M, 50M, 75M and 100M.
With outstanding performance at an extreme level, a Master Award sCCOre plaque at the 150M level will be presented.
Beginning in 2010 the NAQP contests of 10 hours each are to be evaluated for sCCOre as three 20 hour entities grouped by mode: CW, SSB, and RTTY.
Each of the three NAQP groups count as "20 hour contests" for the purpose of sCCOre points, and the total score for each 20 hour group will be the sum of the individual scores.
Reporting Your Scores:
The claimed score for each contest should be posted on the 3830 Reflector (, or reported to the CCO ve3_contest reflector.
All submissions must contain a complete list of operator callsigns for multi-op stations.
When the final scores are published by the contest sponsor, the sCCOre Award scorekeeper will tabulate the results.
The claimed score information is important and is often used to check for data that may not be shown in the sponsor's tabulated results.
Of course, sending in your log on time to the Contest Sponsor is of paramount importance!
Reviewing Your Scores and sCCOre Points:
A few times per year you will be asked to look over the tabulated “sCCOres for 20XX” as the Scores appear from the Contest Sponsor and are processed to sCCOre points.
At these times, you can ask that any errors or exceptions be checked and then corrected. Check your current sCCOre points here.
When all the contests have been tabulated you will be asked to do a final review of your numbers.
Any changes coming out of this review will cause a final edit and at the end of the year, the file for that 20XX will be closed and the work for year 20XX + 1 will begin.
Should anomalies be reported after this time, no further changes will be made.