Ontario QSO Party
TRLog Files
Mar. 17/2007
The following TRLog CFG and DOM files for the OQP are available for downloading, There are two sets of them, one for VE3/VA3's and one for outside Ontario. Thanks to the work of Bob Nash VE3KZ the files can be used with TRLog for the QSO Party with the exception of the 10 point VA3CCO/VE3ODX/VA3RAC contacts.
The .CFG file to be used, be it OQPin.cfg (inside Ontario) or OQPout.cfg (outside of Ontario), has to be renamed Logcfg.dat for earlier 5.XX and 6.XX versions of TRLog. The use of separate contest identifiers on CFG and all other files for a particular contest started around 6.35. Logcfg.dat works for all full feature versions.
Inside Ontario - inont.zip
Outside of Ontario - outont.zip