Call Location Category CW SSB Total QSOs Points Multis Claimed Score Note Newbie Log Scored ONTARIO Multi-op AB High Power VE3DC HNO MUAB HP Mixed 132 566 698 989 243 240327 3 Y VA3RAC DUF MUAB LP Mixed 164 405 569 826 246 203196 2,3 Y Multi-op AB Rover/Mobile VA3OPP/R Rover MUAB LP Mixed 84 342 436 642 241 155922 2A,3,4 Y Multi-op AB Low Power VE3MIS PEL MUAB LP Mixed 29 240 269 499 133 66367 3 Y VA3ODX DUR MUAB LP Mixed 52 168 220 481 104 50024 Y VE3SWA WAT MUAB LP Mixed 110 86 196 357 105 37485 3 Y VA3ARG ESX MUAB LP SSB 190 190 230 87 20010 3 * Y VE3AA COC MUAB LP SSB 183 183 210 92 19320 3 Y VA3MAH PER MUAB LP SSB 137 137 177 78 13806 3 * Y VE3PSH PSD MUAB LP SSB 132 132 199 67 13333 3 * Y VE3UOT TOR MUAB LP SSB 47 47 105 41 4305 3 Y Single Op AB High Power VE3XN PER SOAB HP Mixed 38 411 449 532 150 79800 y VE3WIB PRU SOAB HP SSB 405 405 450 174 78300 Y Single OP AB Rover/Mobile VA3RMF/R Rover SOAB LP SSB 362 362 461 209 97549 1,1A,2B,4 * Y VA3IX/M Mobile SOAB LP SSB 161 161 171 52 13692 4 N VA3AVP/M Mobile SOAB LP CW 46 46 100 33 3600 4 Y VE3UO/M Mobile SOAB LP SSB 22 22 59 18 1362 4 Y Single OP AB Low Power Mixed VE3KZ HTN SOAB LP Mixed 180 283 463 1066 226 240916 Y VA3NR LAM SOAB LP Mixed 154 247 401 620 164 101680 2 Y VA3KAI LAN SOAB LP Mixed 49 303 352 454 143 64922 2 Y VE3CR PET SOAB LP Mixed 118 228 346 518 120 62160 Y VE3NBJ GRY SOAB LP Mixed 174 98 272 508 122 61976 y VE3XL OTT SOAB LP Mixed 102 193 295 464 119 55216 Y VE3XD PEL SOAB LP Mixed 31 312 343 418 131 54758 Y VE3BNO OTT SOAB LP Mixed 69 144 213 363 109 39567 Y VE3LAW PED SOAB LP Mixed 60 154 214 328 115 37720 2 Y VE3RCN FRO SOAB LP Mixed 51 159 210 337 106 35722 Y VE3ODX ALG SOAB LP Mixed 45 170 215 302 103 31106 2 Y VE3IW BRA SOAB LP Mixed 2 191 193 285 99 28215 Y VE3WO SUD SOAB LP Mixed 80 110 190 306 91 27846 Y VE3IXI HUR SOAB LP Mixed 55 118 173 273 87 23751 2 ? Y VE3GLO FRO SOAB LP Mixed 51 98 149 263 85 22355 Y VE3TW TOR SOAB LP Mixed 24 119 143 256 81 20737 y VE3FGU YRK SOAB LP Mixed 134 236 84 19824 N VE3GG KAW SOAB LP Mixed 1 175 176 225 85 19125 2 Y W1AJT/VE3 PET SOAB LP Mixed 27 111 138 205 88 18040 * Y VE3CH HAS SOAB LP Mixed 26 109 135 229 71 16259 Y VE3LFA CHK SOAB LP Mixed 25 53 76 134 46 6164 Y VE3CZG TBY SOAB LP Mixed 25 41 66 122 48 5856 2 Y VE3HUR MSX SOAB LP Mixed 10 48 58 95 42 3990 Y Single Op AB Low Power CW VA3XRZ WEL SOAB LP CW 114 114 190 71 13490 Y Single Op AB Low Power SSB VE3UUH LGR SOAB LP SSB 244 244 280 120 33600 2 N VE3XCR HAM SOAB LP SSB 214 214 250 91 22750 N VA3OX YRK SOAB LP SSB 165 165 209 108 22572 L VE3CRF WEL SOAB LP SSB 149 149 208 86 17888 Y VA3RGA KEN SOAB LP SSB 143 143 194 82 15908 Y VE3TAG COC SOAB LP SSB 159 159 186 83 15438 Y VE3YF REN SOAB LP SSB 127 127 171 75 12825 Y VA3GGF PEL SOAB LP SSB 127 127 162 75 12150 Y VE3UZL NOR SOAB LP SSB 144 144 162 69 11178 Y VE3TMG ESX SOAB LP SSB 105 105 141 70 9870 N VE3NQM OXF SOAB LP SSB 86 86 131 64 8384 Y VE3TXT LAN SOAB LP SSB 103 103 130 63 8130 N VE3UR HAS SOAB LP SSB 74 74 121 54 6534 Y VA3KOC FRO SOAB LP SSB 66 66 102 48 4896 Y VE3IEM PED SOAB LP SSB 49 49 101 40 4040 Y VE3ESH HTN SOAB LP SSB 67 67 85 46 3910 Y VE3NQK WAT SOAB LP SSB 61 61 97 38 3686 N VE3TLY OTT SOAB LP SSB 11 11 20 11 220 Y Single OP AB QRP VA3DF HTN SOAB QR Mixed 56 84 140 255 75 19125 Y VE3TKF MUS SOAB QR SSB 78 78 105 62 6510 Y VE3SYB YRK SOAB QR Mixed 15 42 57 114 26 2934 Y Single OP AB>30MHz VE3AXF NIA SO2M HP SSB 37 37 190 13 2470 Y VA3NOE HAM SO2M LP SSB 6 6 30 5 150 * Y VA3KKZ TOR SOAB LP SSB 2 2 10 2 20 * Y Single Band VA3SY PRU SO40 LP CW 145 145 306 70 21420 Y VE3SMA WAT SO40 LP Mixed 68 87 155 259 54 13986 Y VE3MGY SIM SO80 LP Mixed 35 100 135 206 51 10506 Y VE3RZ HTN SO40 LP CW 77 77 162 41 6642 Y VA3QSL PEL SO16 LP Mixed 18 16 34 70 21 1470 Y VE3LMS HTN SO40 QR CW 26 26 68 19 1292 * Y VE3KIS WEL SO40 HP SSB 14 14 14 12 168 Y VA3YY PEL SO10 LP PH 2 2 2 2 4 Y Short Wave Listener ODXA-SWL-008 DUR SWL 90 90 221 51 11271 Y CANADA OUTSIDE Ontario VE2AWR QC SOAB LP Mixed 32 58 90 165 50 8250 Y VA2UK QC SOAB LP SSB 94 84 124 62 7688 Y VE2DNN QC SOAB LP SSB 29 29 29 29 841 N VE7NI BC SO20 LP Mixed 8 10 18 51 14 714 2 Y VE4YU MB SOAB LP Mixed 5 11 16 39 15 585 Y VE7WWW BC SOAB LP SSB 11 11 29 11 319 2 Y VA7ST BC SO20 LP CW 6 6 20 6 120 Y OUTSIDE CANADA NB1B US=MA SOAB HP Mixed 102 182 284 548 145 79460 Y K4BAI US=GA SOAB HP Mixed 35 81 32 2592 2 N N2JNZ US=NY SO40 QR CW 33 33 82 23 1866 2 Y K2EKM US=VA SOAB QR CW 29 29 66 23 1518 Y K7RE US=SD SOAB QR CW 27 27 70 21 1470 2 Y KE0G US=MN SOAB QR CW 25 25 66 21 1386 2 Y W2LHL US=NJ SOAB QR CW 26 26 68 20 1360 N W8TM US=OH SO40 QR CW 21 21 50 20 1000 2 Y W1END US=NH SO40 LP CW 21 21 50 16 800 Y K0HW US=SD SOAB LP SSB 19 19 53 15 795 2 Y K1KI US=CT SOAB LP CW 17 17 42 17 714 2 Y N3NZ US=PA SOAB LP CW 18 18 44 15 660 Y W6YX US=CA SOAB LP Mixed 4 4 8 37 7 259 Y WA4OSD US=TN SOAB LP Mixed 6 4 10 24 10 240 Y W2CVW US=NJ SO40 LP CW 11 11 22 9 198 N KC0IGY US=CO SOAB LP SSB 5 5 23 5 115 * y K4K0 US=TN SOAB LP CW 5 5 18 5 90 Y N2RGU US=NY SO40 LP Mixed 2 3 5 15 5 75 Y N4GG US=GA SO80 HP CW 5 5 10 5 50 Y K6DGW US=CA SOAB HP Mixed 4 1 5 9 5 45 Y K8GT US=MI SOAB LP Mixed 2 3 5 7 5 35 Y NW7MT US=MT SOAB LP SSB 5 5 5 5 25 2 N N0WY US=NY SO40 LP SSB 2 2 2 2 4 Y Notes 1 exceeded old category record A VA3RMF/R exceeded Phone-only All record 2 exceeded old location record A VA3OPP/R exceeded old TIM record B VA3RMF/R exceeded old SDG record 3 Multi-ops VE3SWA=(??,VE3BHZ) ; VA3MAH=(VA3MAH,SW-Donna) ; VA3OPP/R=(VA3MW,VA3SK,VA3PC) ; VA3ARG=(VA3UDK,VA3ADF,VA3TRL,VA3DYF,VA3DTR,VE3CTP) ; VE3MIS=(VE3IMG,VE3XAP,VE3TWG) ; VE3DC=(VE3ATX,VE3BK,VE3OZO,VE3VMO,VE3GCP,VE3OCD,VA3DJ,VA3YO,VE3DWJ,VE3RYI) ; VE3PSH=(VE3GBY,VA3FIN,VE3BXY,VE3DED,VA3RNO,VA3IDI) ; VE3AA=(VE3XLG,VE3BFE,VE3DKL) ; VA3RAC=(VE3BY,VE3TPZ,VE3CBA,VE3SLI,VA3WC,VE3KPP,VE1RN,VE3DXE,SWL-Mi) ; VE3UOT=(VA3LNS,VA3KKZ) ; VA3ODX=(VE3SRE,VA3TSG) 4 MultiCounty VE3UO/M=(HAS) ; VA3AVP/M=(CHK) ; VA3OPP/R=(COC,TIM,NIP,PSD) ; VA3RMF/R=(LGR,OTT,PRU,SDG) ; VA3IX=(BRA,HAM,WAT,WEL,HTN,DUF,GRY,BRU,HUR,PER,OXF,MSX,ELG,CHK,LAM,HNO) ; 5 Paper Log Received * First Time Entrant Categories: SO Single Operator ; MU Multi-operator ; /M Mobile (multicounty) ; /R Rover (multicounty) AB All Bands (HF+VH) ; VH = 6/2/.70 6/VHF/UHF (FM counts as SSB) ; LP Low Power ; HP High Power ; QR QRP<5W ; SW SWL Listener Mixed CW+SSB ; CW Morse Code only ; SSB Voice Only (FM counts as Voice) Numbers 16/80/40/20/15/10 HF Single Band ; 06/2M/7M >30MHz Single Band Awards Certificates to the top scoring stations in each category and to the top scoring stations in each Ontario county, district, regional municipality and the City of Toronto. Regional certificates will be issued to the top scoring stations in each region of Ontario i.e. Northern Ontario (postal code area P), Southwestern Ontario (postal code area N), Central Ontario (postal code area L) and Eastern Ontario (postal code area K). Certificates will also be awarded to the top scoring stations in each Canadian province/territory, U.S.A. state and DXCC country. ODXA "Clean Sweep Award" No stations This plaque will be awarded to the very first station who manages to make contact with each of the 48 Ontario multipliers plus VE3ODX and VA3RAC. Naturally, if you have managed to obtain a "clean sweep" you'll need to record the time in your log that this happened. QRP Award - VA3DF, N2JNZ Thanks to Jeff Heatherington, VA3JFF and his better half there will be a special QRP Award in the Ontario QSO Party going to: a) The top scoring QRP entrant from Ontario b) The top scoring QRP entrant from outside Ontario The award will be a 5 x 7 " cross-stitched award in a frame featuring a checkerboard border, a graphic of a straight key, "ONTARIO QSO PARTY 2004", the winning station's callsign in white against the black straight key...along with "TOP QRP" or "TOP NON-VE3 QRP". Durham Radio Award - VE3KZ Thanks to Keith Carcasole of Durham Radio a special plaque will be awarded to the top scoring single operator station. Radio World Award - VE3DC Thanks to the folks at Radio World a special plaque will be awarded to the top scoring multi-operator station. ODXA Newbie Award - VA3RMF/R Will be awarded to the highest scoring entrant who has not previously been an entrant in the Ontario QSO Party. Frank S. Salter (VE3FRS) Memorial Award - VA3RMF/R Thanks to Ron Walsh VE3GO this award will go to the top scoring entrant from eastern Ontario (postal code area "K") REN LAN OTT PRU SDG LGR FRO LNA HAS PET NOR PED KAW ODXA "Outside Ontario" Award - NB1B This award will go to the top scoring station from outside the province of Ontario
February 16, 2005