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Contest Club Ontario - Annual General Meeting and BBQ

Date: Saturday 26th of August, 2023 (Save the Date)

Place: VE3EJ QTH:  3605 East Townline Road, Grassie, ON

Menu and Pricing:

The cost for the BBQ for each attendee is $35.00, this is for pulled pork, bun, potato salad, coleslaw, & Italian pastries plus coffee.
The cost includes one ticket for the raffle.

Prize Tickets: (Sponsor Listing)
Tickets for the raffle are $5.00 each or 5 for $20.00.

The list of prizes are as follows: (values in Cdn funds).

1). Elecraft Gift certificate for KPOD for K4/K3s/K3 plus international shipping - value $705.00 Cdn
2). Begali DX-pedition key - value $420.00
3). DX Engineering Gift certificate - value $134.00
4). Mastrant Gift Certificate - value $50.00
5). Mastrant Gift Certificate - value $50.00
6). ARRL Handbook 2023 6 vol set - value $95.00
7). ARRL Publication "From Here to There" Propagation handbook - value $26.00
8). MFJ-108B Clock - value $39.00
9). MFJ-108B Clock -value $39.00
10). One year subscription to Beloud.us remote contest station - value $334.00
11). One year digital subscription to CQ magazine -value $40.00
12). One year digital subscription to CQ magazine -value $40.00
13). VK5TM noise canceller kit of parts - value 78.00
14). One year subscription to RAC - value $50.00
15). MFJ VEC-1340K 40m QRP transceiver kit - value $94.00
16). MFJ-261 dummy load 15w DC-500Mhz - value $53.00
17). MFJ-1739S MIDGET FLEX DUCK, 144/440, 6W, 1/2W, 2-1/2",SMA Male conn. - value $40.00
18). RigExpert AA-35 Zoom Antenna Analyzer. - value $324.00
19). RigExpert AA-55 Zoom Antenna Analyzer. - value $425.00
20). Arrow Antennas 146/437-10WBP Hand-held portable Satellite antenna c/w 10w duplexer and cable. - value $238.00

Total value of prizes - $3,235 Cdn.

Payment for tickets can be made as per the donations page on the CCO website, or by cash at the BBQ.

Once again..  PLEASE do not arrive at the BBQ prior to 2pm.

Check your travel apps to select the best route to avoid the Peach festival traffic.

Bring your own adult beverages and chairs.  There will be coke and sprite and water available.

73 and CU at the BBQ.

Tony, VE3RZ

If you plan on attending the BBQ, tickets will be available. 

If you cannot attend, you can purchase tickets via:

1) PayPal Donation to "ccopayments@gmail.com"  

2) Interac E-Transfer to "ccopayments@gmail.com"

You can alternately send a cheque (made out to CCO) or "greenstamps" to the club treasurer:

Rick Stasiak
9 White Crest Ct.
St. Catharines ON
L2N 6Y1


The BBQ is a BYOB and BYOLC event. (Bring your own beverages) and (Bring your own lawn chair).

Let’s hope we will once again be blessed with great weather on August 26th !
I hope to see you all here.

73, John, VE3EJ


® 2007 - 2023 by CCO